It was so lovely to meet all the girls at Flagstaff. It was such a rewarding experience to give back and share my knowledge to such a bright bunch of girls. We had great discussions and I hope that they took away some tips in becoming more confident to improve their financial wellbeing.Melanie Ng
Flagstaff Online by Flagstaff Group
The Flagstaff Group Ltd is a not for profit Australian Disability Enterprise. Flagstaff provide life skills and work for people with a disability in a supporting and inclusive environment.

Women’s Powering Up Program
Flagstaff’s “Powering Up” program is a holistic and practical approach for women living with disabilities to develop life and employment skills. Funded by the NSW Government’s, Investing in Women program, online modules and face-to-face workshops cover self-esteem, inner health, employment skills and financial success through practical skills and mentoring.

Learn to Drive Program
Flagstaff’s “Learn to Drive” program is a 7 Week online course covering Licences, Road Safety, Safe Driving, Functions of a Car, Right of Way, Road Signs, Lines and Markings.

It’s informative, I enjoy getting the to know the other women better and have the opportunity to say what I think in a supportive environment